Thursday, April 29, 2010


Dear Spring semester,

When you first started I thought I'd like you,
I thought that you might be fun...
New apartment.....
New friends.......
More time with my boy.....
Well, it turns out that not matter how fun all the other stuff is,
the school part of it all = no fun.

You have been kickin' my butt for the past four months..
and my butt is now currently very much bruised.
I'm tired, and I'm sick of you.
You're no longer welcome in my life,
so if you'd please leave, that'd be real great.

Despite all of this....
there has been some good come out of this semester.
In fact, some GREAT has come out of this semester....
let me tell you about some of those things:
1. I met new friends :)
2. I've had a much nicer place to live.
3. I fell even more heels over head in love.
4. I got engaged! :) :) <3
5. More stuff that I just can't think of at the moment because
as soon as I think about being engaged I loose all other train of thought.....

So what was I talking about? hehe.

Oh yeah I remember......
Spring semester, I don't like you anymore....
I'll see you next year....


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